Welsummers - Day Old Chicks
Welsummers - Day Old Chicks
Breeding for Speckled Welsummers has been one of our goals and passions for 2 years and we are finally seeing those amazing speckles on every egg. Welsummers are one of our favorite breeds solely based on their temperament. The gorgeous browns with speckling is an added bonus.
Pricing is per chick shipping calculated at checkout. Minimum of 6 chicks of any breed per order and maximum of 20 in a single box shipment for standard shipping, choose 20+ at shipping if your order exceeds 20+.
We have added a few lines to get the speckling and so the sexable aspect is not 100%. Chicks are sold as straight run, but after the straight run orders are filled I will do my best to pick females if requested- leave a note when checking out. We occasionally will add more chicks if available please let us know if you are able to take more if we have extras.